Saturday, October 11, 2014

Why I Started Taking Self-Inventory

Recently, in General Conference, the priesthood session had a talk about self-inventory. It was entitled, “Lord, is it I?” by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. He starts off with talking about the last supper where all of Jesus’ apostles ask “Lord, is it I?”

Isn’t that just profound? That the apostles would look in themselves, humbled enough to see their flaws and hoping that they would not be the one who would do this to the Lord. I am not saying anything about my beliefs on the Last Supper because everyone believes differently and I do not want to cause any contention or offence. I am just going to say that every one of them took stock of their own personal lives to see if they really could do that in their hearts.
How can we do that in our own day and age? How can we just look into our hearts and see where we are in progression? That's pretty easy! We just do! We humble ourselves enough to know we aren't perfect and that we need to take responsibility for our asctions and ourselves. We cast so much blame and judgement on others. I am definitely guilty of this one... I have been blaming others for things my whole life. I definitely need to improve on this still, although I have come a long way.

President Uchtdorf says, "I’m not sure why we are able to diagnose and recommend remedies for other people’s ills so well, while we often have difficulty seeing our own." We live in a world where people pass judgement on others quickly and then make excuses for themselves. He also states that many of us have a difficult time seeing ourselves as we really are.

A lot of people nowadays are also way too harsh on themselves. They think that others are perfect and they are the only flawed one in the entire human race. I know this is a little extreme, but I have known people like that. There are others who think there is nothing wrong with them and it MUST be the other people in the world. And then there are people in the middle. Depending on the situation and the other person they could be always right or always wrong.

Have you met those people? The ones who always play victim? Or the ones who always try to make you feel like a victim? Or maybe even you could see both of those traits in them? Yeah... me too.

It's okay though, right? Because you do the same thing sometimes... NOT! According the President Uchtdorf, we need to start taking resposibility of our actions. We need to start taking self-inventory. You know how missionaries do companion inventory? Well, I think of it kind of like that, but you are your own companion. This way, you have the responsibility over yourself. You have to examine every aspect of your life.

Are you doing what you should be? If not, are you blaming circumstance or other people for that? There are plenty of people who come from bad circumstances who grow up and change the world around them! This is profound nowadays! People don't just do that anymore... unless they have already taken inventory and made a choice to do so in a way that is so deep they couldn't turn back. You have to have the desire to change or you never will.

The mind is a funny thing! It can help you do anything... but can anyone really do anything without the help of God? He gave us all we have now. If we work hard and do all that we need to, we will be able to do all that we want to accomplish. But first, we must take self-inventory. Here is a 7 day self evaluation chart. Evaluate yourself once a day and see how your life changes :D

7-Day Self-Inventory Chart

I am actually going to start this over again in my life. I'm thinking it is going to be one of those once a month kind of things to keep myself in check for a long time. I don't want to lose sight of things that are truly important. I think if we all do this, we could become more humble so that we may be able to feel the presence of our Heavenly Father in our lives. This is going to help us when we come to a point in our lives where we need guidance and we can honestly say we have been doing all we can to be righteous and do all of the things he would have us do.

Yeah... I know... we are humans. To err is human... but like I said in another post, we need to step away from human nature and make the world a better place. Where could be a better place to start than with a self-inventory? My favorite song from Michael Jackson says, "If you're gonna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change." (Man in the Mirror)

I love that sentence! Don't you? People have to realize that they can't change other people and other people can't change you. The only person who can change you is YOU. There is no, "Oh. I can change him." No... if he loves you, maybe he will change a little, but just because you push does not mean anybody is going to change. It is just not going to happen. And instead of looking at their faults, look at yours, AND IMPROVE!! Start doing something today to change!

I had an epiphany yesterday... I decided that if I was always sad, I was just being selfish. If I wallow in self pity, I am being selfish! How is it fair that others have to see me being sad or hear me being sad or that I am so self centered, that I can't see the pain or the anguish of others? I don't find that fair for others. This epiphany helped me want to start my own self-inventory and I found a lot of things I didn't like that I need to change.

All of us have flaws. All of us have weaknesses. If we would just take responsibility of them and correct them and try to be better through Christ, we can! That is just it! We have to let go of human nature, push off our pride, and do all we can to better ourselves so we can better the world. Remember... You are the only one who is responsible for and can change you. Take the initiative and take a self-inventory.

Well, love you all!

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