Friday, October 10, 2014

The Power of Kindness

How many times have you heard the phrase "kill them with kindness" from someone after expressing your anger, resentment, or disappointment for another person? I know I have many times. Sometimes I think it is my mom's favorite quote... Oh wait! It is! That and another one I am going to write a post about here shortly... so I won't spoil the surprise! (Guess you'll have to come back now, won't you?)

Every time I heard this, I thought, "Yeah, yeah, yeah" like most teenagers would, right? Going through high school, I noticed many kids being thrown out in the cold- so to speak- and treated like outsiders. I saw others lifted up in glory for no real reason at all. I'm not sure what it is about high school that makes people so cold and oblivious to the pain of others. Maybe it is just that you think life revolves around you? Or maybe you feel like it revolves around a certain group, idea, activity, or whatever... but it makes you blind to the other people right in front of you!

College is a little different but not so much. I'm sorry for you teens in high school, wanting to graduate to get away from it all, but the people are the same. Yes, some go away to college, but then others like them come to the same college as you. There are always going to be cliques. Even in the "grown-up" world and work. It is always going to be that way because people naturally shut people out. It is human nature. I don't like human nature. It is also human nature to be hard on yourself. It is also human nature to respond in anger when something happens you don't like. It is also human nature to judge others. LET'S THROW AWAY HUMAN NATURE!!

Have you ever been torn down by someone? Have you ever felt out of place? Like you didn't belong? Has anyone ever spread a rumor about you that made you feel alone? Have you EVER felt unloved? Why in the world would you do that to someone else then? Why in the world would you make somebody feel that way? Unfortunately, this is a vicious cycle the whole world follows... I don't know why! If you are in pain, does it really help you feel better about yourself to tear down others and cause them the same pain you are feeling?

Did you know Utah is ranked #10 in the nation for amounts and rate of suicide? It states on that the rate of suicide right now is 15.6 out of every 100,000 people. That is just crazy! In a city like Salt Lake- population of 191,180- That would be more than 30 deaths due to suicide... IN ONE CITY!! Come on people!! Don't you hear the cries? This has to end.

Instead of "Killing people with kindness", why don't we SAVE people with kindness? Just one extra smile at a stranger, co-worker, a classmate, a sibling. Just one extra compliment or nice comment each day! One extra hello to someone you normally wouldn't talk to! Anything can help. If you have ever felt unloved, you would know that any of these would help lift your day.

On the flip side, if you have ever felt torn down just by one comment, how do you think people feel when you make your comments? Do you really think it is going to help them? Is it going to make them better? Happier? Feel loved? If not, then you should probably not say it at all! With the way the world is today, wouldn't you rather be a part of the solution instead of the problem?

Recently, I had someone that I knew commit suicide. This person left a family and friends who cared so deeply. But he felt such pain. I don't know what happened that day or the days before leading up. I don't know what was going through his head or his heart. All I could think for a while was, "What could I have done to help his pain?" "Did I do all or say all I could have?" and then my thoughts went to his family... "What can I do to help them?" "What do they need to hear or need done?"

But both thoughts revolved around WORDS. Words are the most powerful thing we, as human beings, have. Words are one of the only things that can both lift you up and tear you down within seconds. Words are the only things that can make or break your day. There are your words to yourself, your words to others, other's words to you, and other's words to other's. We all use words. They may not be in the same language but we can say all of the same things. Everyone around the world is responsible for this hurt we all feel. Some cause it intentionally, and some unintentionally.

If everyone would take a step back and look at how they treat people and just change one thing, the world would already be a happier, more loving place. Now, what if we changed all of the things we do to hurt people? Don't you think we would finally find peace?  Let's all change the world! One laugh, one smile, one kind comment at a time!

Just remember next time you are feeling sad, disappointed, alone, forgotten, or just hurting inside, you are not alone and you ARE NOT unloved! There is someone who will love you eternally even if you cannot love yourself. Our Heavenly Father is the most caring, giving, LOVING person we will ever know. Is it any surprise that the God who created the moon and the stars, in our honor and for us, would love us? If so, why? Every single one of us is a child of God who he PERSONALLY created and loves. He knows you! He knows your name! If you ever forget that, there is help to find Him again!

If you or someone you know is feeling depressed or feel like this life would be better without you or just like you don't want to try anymore, DON'T give up hope! There are people who love you and people who want to help! Call the Suicide Prevention Hotline at:

Please never forget, just one kind word, one smile, one friendly hello could help someone feel loved and worth it!

And I am here if anybody has anything they would like to talk about. I won't judge you. I won't talk about what you are dealing with or what you tell me. I am just an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. If you just want to talk, email me. Leave me a message. Leave me a comment. Anything! Just so long as you know I am here for you.

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With all my Love,

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