Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The 5 Lessons a Millionare Taught Me (My Thoughts)

I have this weird obsession with reading books that are supposed to help  me figure out my life and how I am supposed to live. I am not sure why that is... probably because I am always looking for ways to better myself. I am not quite sure... but I do know that all of the books I chosen to read are either suggestions from my parents, from trusted adult mentors, or straight from a list compiled by people who have "been there and done that!"

While at work, pretty much the only things I am able to do is read my books and write when I am not taking a call. (I work at a call center. yaaaay.) Lately, I have been doing nothing but looking stupid things up on the internet. This morning, as I was leaving, I looked around my room and remembered how much I wanted to bring a book with me! I treaded through my stuff (my room is a little messy at the moment...) to my bookshelf. It was either between Jane Austen, happy uplifting church books, or advice books. I grabbed 3 books and walked out the door.

While waiting for work (I always arrive AT LEAST 15 minutes early so I can get my station ready) I thought, why bring all 3 books in? I only wanted to read one at a time... I carefully looked at them and decided what book I needed most at this moment in time. The 5 Lessons a Millionare Taught Me.

Let the reading begin. My next post will be my thoughts and feelings about the book, so stay tuned! I will link the post on here.

Has anyone else read this book? Or something that they would suggest for others to read? One that was inspiring or the advice really helped? If so, please comment below. I am looking for more books for my "To Read" list.

Lots of Love!!


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