Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Hello beautiful people of the Blogisphere! I am not sure why, but I am in a very romantic mood this morning... So, here is my question to you:

How did you meet your significant other? When did you know they were "the one?" How did you know you wanted to spend your life with them?

What is your best advice for making a relationship work long term? Some of us need a little advice from the experts, so I am turning to you!


  1. Its a very difficult thing.. love that is. But when you meet your loved one, you will know. My mom always told me that you will just get a feeling throughout your whole entire body, you cant help but smile around them, and when you hear the words "I love you" come out of their mouth, you just smile with butterflies in your tummy. Now that I am with someone that i truly do love, and have for a while now, I am starting to relaize those feelings. And i cant wait to be able to hear it for the rest of my life. It takes a couple of toads, before you find your prince, but standing where I stand today, I am here to say it is well worth it! :)

    1. Thank you for sharing! I think that is a beautiful way of describing love! I am so happy that you have found somebody whom you can spend a lifetime with and I wish ever-happiness for you! =D
