Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I am a Mormon! (Be forewarned... Tis a rant...)

This last weekend, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had what is called General Conference. It is a meeting in which the church gathers as a whole to listen to their leaders. Each speaker is lead by inspiration to write about whatever they would like. My family loves listening to General Conference with one another. We love talking about every individual thought and hearing the "themes" unintentionally brought about.

After this year's sessions of Conference, there was a challenge posted on social media sites to use an "I'm a Mormon" statement picture as ones profile picture. I did not notice this at first, but when I did, I thought it was really cool! And then I started reading a couple negative posts about it. There were some who did not like it because it was "shoving it down other people's throats"

I wanted to rant and rave at some people when I read that! How dare you tell me that people showing what they believe in is bad! How do you have the gall to go around telling me to think about how others would see this act or that it is going to offend people. So what?  Here is what I have to say... unfiltered this time!

I am a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! That means, YES! I am a Mormon! If I want to show that I am proud to be a Mormon and believe fully in this church in which I claim membership, why can't I publically? There are so many people pushing anti-Mormom propoganda all over the place and want to shove it down my throat! I have had people on social media tell the world what they think we believe and how we live. Most people could not be further from the truth!

I have people on my news feeds trying to preach to me about different concepts and aspects that I find morally wrong and not doctrinally true, but I let them because it is their opinion and their beliefs. Why is it then that when I want to state my beliefs and talk about my religion, it is considered a non-valid opinon and way of thinking? Why is there such a double standard in the world?

I am not blaming any one idea, or political party, or religion. There are people who will not listen to the other side NO MATTER what or who they are. I am sorry, but if you do not take the time to listen to another person's point of view, then how am I supposed to respect you or listen to a single thing you say?

And another point! I am so proud of the leaders of this church for not swaying with the public like some others have. Just because we do not do what is popular and do not change our doctrine does not mean we are not "staying with the times." This church does not change to "please" the people. It sticks to its doctrines until the leaders recieve inspiration of God.

If you are offended by me proudly saying that I am a Mormon and don't expect me to be offended when you claim whatever you are, then I'm not sure I want to be associated with you. Just to set the record straight, I am not offended by anything you could say unless it was vulgar about me or a family member or friend. One of  my best friends is homosexual, another is Mormon. My cousins are Bornagain Christians, my aunt is a lesbian, my great grandparents were chain smokers and drinkers. I accept people as they are. I am sorry if some people cannot do the same... I think it is sad when they get wrapped up in their own ideas that they can't accept that people have different ideas we are all going to have a problem...

Anyways... Rant Over...

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