Friday, October 17, 2014

24 things for 24+ hours

What do you do when your significant other is out of town at meetings or camping in the mountains? Seriously... I hate when there is no chance of getting ahold of him because he is out of service or busy... It's like I don't know what to do with myself anymore...

Well, here is a list of things you can do within the 24+ hours your person is away.
1. Go shopping
2. Have a Girls Night Out
3. Stay in and watch a movie
4. Eat a lot of junk food
5. Read a book
6. Write a book
7. Write a blog
8. Read a blog/magazine
9. Do homework
10. Skip a shower & don't shave
11. Play video games
12. Rearrange the house
13. Clean out the cupboards 
15. Finish your chores (early even)
16. Facebook stalk your ex
17. Facebook stalk their ex
18. Work extra hours
19. Sleep in
20. Have a spa night 
21. Dance in your pajamas 
22. Take up the whole bed
23. Go donate blood/plasma (time & distance permitting)
24. Sleep for 24 hours until your beloved is home.

I'm gonna be missing someone this weekend so I think I am going to try and do some of these!! :) it's going to be a LONG weekend...
If you have any more suggestions or ideas, please leave them in the comments below!

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