Wednesday, November 5, 2014

5 Budgeting Tips for the Not-So Money Savvy

You see those bills piling up in front of you each month? Those are most likely because you are spending money on things you do not really need. I think the terminology I am looking for is a "Shopaholic." I completely understand!

Actually... I don't... I don't like shopping... my mom even buys my clothes. I know... It is weird that a girl won't even go clothes shopping. I don't even go food shopping! Which I guess is why it was easy for me to figure out how not to live paycheck to paycheck.

My first paycheck at my new job, I wasn't so good. I went out and bought $80 worth of E-Mae clothes and bought fast food almost every day. I was BARELY squeezing by to pay my bills. I almost didn't have enough in my account to cover my monthly expenses, which aren't that much comparitively.

Then I read "The 5 Lessons." I had to put my life in order if I ever wanted to be a stay at home mommy with my darling daughter!

Here are my 5 steps to making a budget:

#1 Locate all Expenses-

Does your money disappear? Does it seem to go as quick as you got it? Out the window? What about your savings? Does it exist? Do you even have enough left over to put any away? Where does your money really go? What do you spend your money on? What is out of luxury and what is out of necessity?

Write a list of all your bills in order of their due dates. Then measure out all your other expenses. (i.e. food, clothes, makeup, etc.) Figure out what you need and what you don't need! The only thing I really had to budget is baby stuff and food. I don't shop for myself, but I still allotted some spending money. This is the most important step in here!

I learned why I was losing so much money. It was ridiculous how much money I spent on fast food! I cannot believe I actually spent that much... I can't believe I had that much! I spent a good $200 at least on fast food! And that is not even counting the random drinks I would go get or my snacks I "had to have."

I located where all my money was going and it made it easier for me to do the next step.

#2 Stop ALL Unnecessary Spending

Since I found my spending problem, it was easier to determine what was necessary and what was not. If you are spending about $25 a day eating out, there is definitely something wrong! Didn't you know that going to places like the Wal-Mart Deli is cheaper than a meal at McDonald's? And healthier. And more filling! So, if you look at it that way, it is better for you financially to go buy fresh food and/or cheaper food.

Also, you do not need a new pair of shoes every month, ladies. You do not even need a new pair every other month. I have had shoes last me for over 5 years. I still have my favorite pair of shoes from my junior year of high school. That is about 5 years ago. Can you imagine? You can actually keep a pair of shoes for a long time!

Once you have cut your unnecessary costs, allot yourself a little bit of spending money. There are going to be times when you have to get something out of necessity or in case you have something you feel you would die without, or if you have a present to buy.

This is going to make way for step 4.

#3 Figure Out Your Earnings

What do you earn per month? What do you earn per job? Do you even have a job? If not, none of this budgeting will work for you... But what do you make every paycheck?

This is pretty much a straight forward thing... If I were you, I would figure each paycheck. Whether you get paid weekly, twice a month, once a month, it doesn't matter. What do you earn per paycheck? Do you have side jobs? How much a month would you say you earn from that?

This one doesn't need much explanation.

#4 Write One Calendar

To get all your finances in order, you must first order them. I usually start at the beginning of the month. I start on day one. Is anything due? Do I get money that day? Do that to every day of the month. It is very important this is done before going to the next step. If you do not know when your bills come out and when you are paid, how can you successfully budget anything?

I have a piece of paper where I have my due dates and my check dates all written in order. I started on the 1st and made sure each day was accounted for. Then, I figured I would take it one step further...

Leading us to

#5 Separate Each Bill With Each Paycheck

After I was able to get a calendar, I was able to see which checks were able to cover which bills based on their timing. If I have a bill on the 4th of the month, why would I pay it with my paycheck that comes the 7th? How would that make sense? Am I going to go into debt over it or am I going to be late on a payment and just get a penalty fee, again puttin me in more debt? How does it make sense to pay your debt by going into debt?

It doesn't. That is why you h
ave to separate out what each bill will and can pay for. I have everything from the 7th to the 21st on my first check and everything from the 22nd to the 6th. That way, there is no confusion. The one I do not have as many bills, that is the paycheck I take out my savings and gas money. If you have more than one job, do what I helped my friend Heather do... pay all your bills using one of your incomes. Not both. And if you can, then put the rest into savings!

When I eventually get married again, I am going to ask my husband if we can live on one of our incomes. If I keep going the way I am, I will be completely out of debt before I even have the chance to get engaged. I have been plucking my debts away a little at a time and one year later, I am more than half paid off. (inner "woohoo" ensuing in my mind)

I have helped different people write different budgets, find ways to earn money and started people on their way to savings.

Some of you are probably asking about me helping a lot of people. Well, it is not A LOT of people... I have written my friends budgets and have been able to find things they have not. It is kind of fun for me... I know... but I really like lists and organizing things that are not mine...

Speaking of which, I think I am going to start offering my services to people who just need a little help with this. I need something fun to do during my break time. Why not earn a couple dollars doing it, right? I figure, I do it quickly, efficiently, and all I need to do is ask a few questions and you will have a new budget within 30 minutes. It is that simple!

So, if you have any comments, suggestions, or want my help with a budget either comment below or message me personally. If you liked this post and think others can benefit, share it on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. :D

Friday, October 31, 2014

A Week of Silence in Memory of the Memory

I apologize for not alerting anyone of my week of silence. It was unclear to me as well. For the past week, I have been seeing more and more posts on Facebook and Twitter about Domestic Violence and Abuse, Sexual Assault, and women being assaulted.

It also brought about the thought when my little sister started telling me about her research paper for Psychology. She is writing about Sexual Assault.

This week, at USU-Eastern, they were doing the "Clothesline Project." This is a project where survivors of different assaults decorate a shirt to describe their sufferings. It is also for those who died from their attacks... their loved ones create a shirt for them in their memory.

Last year, I was able to make one of my own because, unfortunately, I am a survivor.

This topic definitely hits close to home with me. I didn't think it would hit me too.

No. Before you jump to conclusion, I was never hit. He never hit me. Mine was more a mental and spiritual attack... Apparently, that is only the beginning. I was lucky to get out when I did because a lot of women don't.

Here is my story:
(Sorry... my thoughts are a little scattered about all of this... It is not in chronological order... or any order. Just as it comes back to me. It is hard to write about and I don't like reliving... but it needs to be shared...)

Remember, this story is not for the tender or soft hearted...

I started dating a guy who promised me the world. He promised the Temple, a family, a great life. And I never suspected anything would change. He kept pushing me to get married quicker and quicker. My heart was set on Spring, but he couldn't wait that long. He HAD to be married now. I gave in to that request thinking it was because he loved me... and nobody else could.

It started after we were married and I became ill. We found out I was pregnant. I had a rare form of morning sickness which left me bed ridden for months. I could not move out of pain and I could not eat for over 2 months. All this time, I was alone. My ex would leave for days on end with my "best friend" from high school. She was his boss and they were inseparable. He had convinced me she needed a place to live so I let her use my spare bedroom. They were never home to use it anyway.

I tried to get him to read the scriptures with me or go to church with me but I got, "Those only work if you are perfect. You are not so you might as well not even try."

On those days I could not "satisfy" him because I was sick and hurting and starving, he would force me to pleasure him in other ways or he would leave me. I couldn't stand the thought of raising my daughter alone and not having the support. I didn't think anybody else would ever love me because I was "damaged goods" or "sloppy seconds."

Because he lifted me up while we were dating, I blamed this all on me not being good enough. I would try to be happy for him when he got home. I would try to get up and clean. I would try so hard to be good enough.

And because I was happy, guess what! I was cheating on him apparently. I had no reason to be happy unless I was cheating on HIM! To "catch me in the act" he hid a video camera in my living room and watched me while he was with his girlfriend. Sick, hurting, lonely, I was being watched and recorded. I was the unworthy, untrustworthy one.

One night I was so sad that I locked myself into the bathroom. I wouldn't let him in so he started hitting his head against the door as hard as he could. he wouldn't stop. Finally after yelling at him to stop, I heard a crash. He had collapsed on the floor. Because I am who I am, at 6 months pregnant, I try to drag him to the bed. His girlfriend happened to walk through the door after I got him on the bed and took over. She took him out of the apartment and they went who knows where.

She told me she only chose a specific Dr. in Price because he would listen to her and do whatever she told him to do. He was her puppet because she was smarter than him. And she said the Dr who saved my life on countless occassions tried to kill her. YEAH RIGHT!! So he had a concussion and it was all my fault for crying in the bathroom because he was telling me how worthless I was... Yeah... (He did that a lot through the marriage. He would go hit things if I wasn't being good enough. He would hit his head against cement, he would puch trees, he even punched a dent into my washer! I was not only scared for myself, but for him..)

To top it all off, I was cut off. He would take my car to work with him. He would take my phone to work with him. I had no way of communicating unless I used an app I downloaded onto my iPad. I had a fake number so I could talk to my parents.

He didn't want me to be around my parents at all. If he was home, I wasn't allowed to talk to my family or answer the door to my parents. I was only allowed to talk to him or his girlfriends family. I had very limited contact with ANYONE in the outside world. It was so lonely. I had nobody to turn to unless they were dating my husband.

They would make the living room and kitchen a mess and expect me to clean it up for them. They would promise to clean up and fill the sink... and then leave. The entire kitchen was filled with moldy and rotten things. I could not even go in there without inducing a round of vommiting. Of course, I couldn't waddle over there anyway.

My parents would aske me if he was home so they could come over to help me clean and do some chores. My parents were very good to me in this time of need.

Our lease was coming up and I did not want to live in Price or with his girlfriend anymore. I told my ex that we were moving to East Carbon to my parent's rental house. I thought this would give him a break from his girlfriend. That didn't happen. He was home even less. I was the one who cooked dinner, cleaned the house, and rearranged the furniture. I wasn't supposed to do the latter one... but oh well. I wanted to make him happier so he would choose me over her.

The day I finally flipped was when he rushed out of the house after me refusing him. He started talking suicide and I told him I was done. I started driving to Price to go to my mom and I see him driving around with HER! He said he thought if he brought her down with him, I would be happier. He couldn't leave her behind and couldn't imagine I would expect him to.

I drove to my mom. He came in crying. My mom felt bad for him. After, he told my mom he was going to commit suicide. He told me that night that he tried but the trigger stuck. He said he gave it to his girlfriend for safe keeping. (remember this)

So, after that, things calm back down. We are talking about moving for Vet school in Colorado and I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

He suggested to me that we needed marriage counseling. I told him I would go if we could go through the church and nobody else. He yelled at me that they were not real therapists and would just mess everything up even more. He told me I HAD to go to a real therapist because I was so damaged and messed up that I couldn't be in a relationship until I was better. I kept saying "NO"

My water broke at 8:06, August 14, 2013. I called my mom. She sent over my sister and we went to the hospital. I told my ex my water broke and he started telling me it couldn't have possibly broke because it wasn't how the internet said it was. He told me he would not meet me there until I actually went into labor. He was at work and could not leave his girlfriend there alone. I was at the hospital for a couple hours before he would finally come. When E-Mae was born, I lost a quart of blood, had 3rd degree tears all the way up. I had to be sewn together. I could not stand for 2 days and I was on HEAVY pain killers, but ones that were safe for E-Mae.

A few hours after E-Mae was born, he left to go back to work. He told me he had to go make up hours for missing time to be with me. He couldn't get the day off because his coworkers were scum and wouldn't help him. He was gone all day. I was in the hospital for 3 days and most of the time, he wasn't there. The day I came home, he was at work so my parents came and picked me up. I came home on a Saturday. Sunday morning, he said he needed to go to work 5 hours early to take someone out fishing and he wouldn't be back for 2 days. He had to work the whole time. I called my mom and asked her to bring me food.

Mom said, "You have a husband at home, have him make you breakfast." I had to tell her, "No I don't." My mom made me a breakfast my ex would be highly allergic to and not able to eat and brought it over on her way to church. After church she brought me lunch. Her and Ma helped me a lot! I had my pain pills that I used because I couldn't walk without them. After 1 and 1/2 weeks, I stopped using them because I did not like the way they made E-Mae sleep all day.

Still, I did not have a husband at home. I was taking care of E-Mae with no help from him, pretty much already a single mom.

Because I was so torn during the birth, I was not able to do things. The doctor said I could take up to a year to heal. That was not okay with him... He would force me to "satisfy" him any way he wanted me to and if not, he would automatically have to go to work or have a "sleep over shift" and wouldn't come home for a few days.

One night, I came home with E-Mae and my mom. He said he had a surprise for me. He turned around and pulled out bottles and two cans of formula. He told me E-Mae was allergic to me and could not nurse anymore. He told me I could not do this for my child. I told him that if I didn't have that, I had no use at all anymore. That was my one time to be close to my daughter in a way nobody else could. I refused to give in. (Later, I found a recording he made of that night, trying to make it sound like he had to coax me into staying and try to make me calm down. He said things like, "Come back to bed so I don't have to worry about you!")

After this night, he told me that there was no other option anymore. If I did not go to therapy with him for couple counselling. I don't believe in divorce. I was going to be spending a long time with this guy so I agreed finally. He told me he had to put the appointment in my name because I had insurance and he didn't. While we were in the session, he would start talking for me or he would start saying things that weren't true. I didn't want to make him mad again so I just went with it. He made it sound like my family was abusive and that I had anger issues. THIS IS NOT TRUE!

Anyway, the therapist told him to leave the room. As he was leaving, a voice recorder fell out of his pocket. Not thinking, I just handed it back to him. I lied to the therapist. She asked if I was okay. I said yes...

We left- me, my ex, and E-Mae. I had to drop him off at work. He asked if E-Mae could come in for a few minutes to visit his clients and his "friend". I let her go in for an hour. He took her in one of those front pocket things. I found a voice recorder in the pocket of the driver's side door. I played it for the hour I was waiting. He set the recorder by my phone in the living room to capture what was going on in the house while he was at work for who knows how long? I had to listen to my whole Labor Day weekend.

Then the worst. He came out of the house, still wearing E-Mae. He told me that his friend said I was using the wrong powder, wrong cream, wrong diapers, wrong detergent, and I didn't know how to raise my daughter pretty much but good thing she was there to be there for us. I flipped! I told him, "Fine! If that is what you want, go be with her!" He walked inside with my daughter, my phone, and my car keys. I was not allowed inside... I went to take a walk.

Two of my female friends from church drove by and stopped to pick me up. I used one of their phones to try and call to check on E-Mae, but he would not answer. They talked me in to goig to an institute class and so I stayed for the class. After, I called him again and it went straight to voicemail. I started freaking out so I walked to his work. AS SOON as I got there, his girlfriend was outside on the phone. She said, "Oh shoot! I got to go!" she ran over to me and told me that his sisters from up north came and picked him up. When I asked which one, she told me she didn't know which one.

I started freaking out. He left my car and my car keys. I ran to the institute to try and use one of the girls' phone again and I just started freaking out! MY BABY WAS GONE!! I tried calling and it went to voicemail. I drove the 36 mile trip home to see if they went out there. They didn't. I tried getting into my house to use my phone to call my mom. I couldn't get in because he took my only house key. I was locked out. I ran to my parent's house to use their computer and try to find his sister's number. I called the one, she had no idea what I was talking about. I called the other and neither did she. I came back to price to see if his girlfriend was still at work and lying to me. She was gone and another girl was there.

I ran to the institute to try and use a phone one more time. My parents had been there and told them if they see me to stop me and have me call them. My ex was texting them and telling them that he was leaving me until I wasn't dangerous anymore and how he was going to go live with his sisters and have them help him raise my daughter. He said, "Don't worry. I watched videos. I know how to take care of a baby." THIS COMING FROM THE MAN WHO HAD NEVER CHANGED A DIAPER!!!

I was sobbing and crying!! I stayed on my paren'ts couch that night, my mom stayed downstairs with me. I couldn't stop crying at how angry I was and out of fear for my daughter.

The next day, we went to the victims advocate at the jail and filed a protective order and ran it immediately to a judge. We started going to every lawyer we could. We went to one we know personally and started talking to him. I had to share my story and spill my guts. We were about to retain him when he called and said, "I guess this kid came into my office to talk to my partner last week. I can't represent either of you now."

We went to the next lawyer. I again had to spill my guts and tell my story. He was excited to nail this kid and this was going to be a fun fight!! And then HE walked in with his girlfriend. All I asked was, "Where is my baby?" He started telling me to "Calm down." I was calm!! They ran outside and my dad followed after them. Mom yelled, "Don't let him do anything!" The lawyer ran after my dad and they wrote down the license plate number. One of them called the police, I am not sure which. I just sat on the couch there crying. I couldn't help it.

The cop came and I had to tell him the story of the day previous, September 11, 2014. I had to write a police report. 5 minutes later, we got the notice that the protection order went through and E-Mae was also protected under it and he had to give her back. The police officer went to find the two and when he found her, he called me. I met him at a gas station. His girlfriends mother had her... She came back to me crusty, with a rash, in dirty seconhand clothes and a blanket I had never seen.  He kept her stuff. But I had my baby back!

I went to the hospital. I had the doctor in the emergency room check her out. She was so hungry that she ate for more than an hour and kept eating all night. I was just so relieved to have her back with me!! I filed for a divorce. I could not be with a guy who would take a 3 week old baby. He could do it again and I could not risk that.

Like I said, I do not believe in divorce. I am a strong opposer of it. When times get tough, you get tougher! But this was a situation where if I did not leave, my baby was in danger.

So, that is my story. Don't let this make you feel bad for me! I have a beautiful, smart, funny, amazing baby girl whom I adore! I got a year of being an at home mom and now I have the opportunity to further my education and earn money to buy her all she needs. I also have enough to pay all my bills and put aside a savings for my little girl. E-Mae, if you ever read this, just know that if I had to choose between this and never having you, I would choose this. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I love you with all that I am and all that I have. You are the best daughter a mommy could ever ask for!! I just hope some day, I will be able to stay at home with you once more :D Mommy loves you!


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

To Modern Day People

People are definitely different from how they were about 20-30 years ago. Back before I was even born. Things have shifted. Some for the better and some for the worse. I am pretty sure dating has changed for both.

Nowadays, a girl doesn't have to wait for a boy to call her. She can just call him if she wanted to . She could even use a pick up line on a guy if she wanted to. I recall reading in "How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere" a phrase that was something like (paraphrased): It is hard for the modern man to be able to pick up a girl because all of the lines are either cliche or make them think "Why are you using that on me?"

I feel bad for the modern day man... I really do. But I feel bad for the modern day girl too!

So here is my advice to BOTH!

To the Fellas:

Why can't things be like they were back then? I still believe in chivalry and boys taking charge. Why can't a guy still take the lead? Most guys I have met don't know how to take the lead in the dating world, which is fine if you find a girl who wants to... which I don't know any girl who does. Want to know my advice?

#1 Take the Lead

No girl wants to plan everything by herself! And most girls would love it if you would take charge and make plans for the two of you. YOU plan the dates! YOU decide where to go. YOU make decisions! It is not her place to have to do all of that! I know it is a modern world, but girls still want a good old fashioned guy! Don't let your ideas of "The New World" cloud the fundamentals of a great relationship.

#2 Learn to be Old Fashion

I don't mean dress like a 50's mobster (although that would be kind of hot... but only a mobster... not a nerd or prep from then...) I mean treat her like a guy would in the 50's! Open her door! Help her carry her stuff! If you two are together, don't let her carry anything... a girl may be a little apprehensive at first, but that is only because it is not common in this day and age. I am saddened by that. When did guys stop doing that for girls? I know a few guys who still do that, but the majority don't even think about it. I really want to know why. Is it because women try to feel empowered or is it because you don't even think about that kind of thing?

I mean, you are fine just the way you are, but girls want Romeo... they just do! They want a man who can come and take care of her and make her feel special! Old fashion men knew how to do that! If you want to know what I am talking about, watch any black and white romantic movie where the guy is trying to win over the girl. I love those types of movies! Well, anyway, girls will swoon! I promise... even though we may try to act tough, we all want someone to take care of us and to WANT to do those things for us!

#3 Contact her First

Even though it is not your job to carry the whole relationship, you still want her to feel special, right? Well, a girl doesn't want to have to make the first move, but she will if you make her! Don't make her... She will think she is the only one trying. I know... you may feel like that too... It is just that girls don't really think about texting you first unless they haven't talked to you in a while and she misses you. (Or if she really likes you... or if you are dating and she wakes up WAY before you do *cough* Fonnesy *cough*)

The thing about it is, girls actually CRAVE attention. I know... you don't want someone who is self-absorbed... but not every girl who wants attention is. Sometimes, they have gone so long trying to do it all themselves that they just want to be noticed by someone. To be cared about by someone. To find someone who would put them first. A guy who wants to talk to them more than anything. A guy who chases them instead of making them chase you.

Think about it guys. We are still women. Whether we are old fashioned or new age. We all want someone to talk to. Someone who WILL chase a little... I don't know how to explain it.

#4 Be Careful What You Say

No matter what the situation, please just watch what you say. Girls may act tough but we are really sensitive... it is kind of in our nature. I know...but we feel things deeper and are more sensitive. Even if you didn't mean anything by it, it can still hurt us. Even if we don't look like it did or we look tough, girls have a soft heart. It still hurts...

NOW, I am through talking to the guys... now let's get back to you beautiful ladies out there!

To The Ladies:

Let's just dive right into this one :D

#1 Don't Expect Him to be Superman

Guys aren't there to solve your every problem or to save you. They are not there just to do stuff for you either. You chose him to keep you company. Because he makes you smile. Because you two have a special connection you have never had with anybody else. Yes. He should treat you like the Princess you are, but don't be Louis Lane. Don't expect him to do everything for you or to pull you out of whatever it is you are in. He is human. I don't want to say "Don't expect too much out of him" like he won't do much, but don't expect more than any human is capable of. Don't expect him to carry you away from all of your troubles. Those are still yours to carry. He can help lighten the load but don't put all of the burden on him.

#2 You can call him too

I have heard it a lot! "I don't want to seem too eager. I don't know if he likes me so I won't text him first until I know." or "once I know if he likes me I will try." I am sorry, but if you are both playing that game, nobody will ever know anything. Like I said, this is a modern day where girls can make the first move. I know... you want him to. You want to be the center of his desires... but how does he know if you like him if you always wait to talk to him? If you like him, don't be afraid of him! He is just another human being whom you might have or might not have developed feelings for. Why not find out and let him know by wanting to talk to him?

It is scary when you have to always make the first move! I know! I have been there! I am still there... You can't be afraid to chase after love! If you don't try, they will never know how you feel. They are probably just as nervous as you are. For some reason, boys have a more restrained approach to girls. They don't just go up and ask them out anymore... sometimes, the girl has to ask. And plan. And do all of the work. I am not saying this is a good plan! If you read up above, I told the guys to stop doing this! But you can't shy away if you are asked to do this... He will learn. But how can he learn what you like if you never tell him?

#3 Don't Let Words Hurt You

People are very sarcastic today. There wasn't a lot of it when we were all little kids, but now, you see it everywhere. Heck! I am even a little  sarcastic sometimes... (I think I just heard the thoughts of everyone who knows me..."a little?") Okay... maybe I am a little more sarcastic than that...

But that is not what I am getting at. People don't know your specific situation. They don't know what sets you off and what can make you feel the lowest of lows. If they make a comment, it might not have been to blatantly hurt you. If it was, they are a jerk anyways... I am pretty sure if people knew how much it hurt to be talked to a certain way, they wouldn't. I am not sure. I am not the rest of the human population. I am only me. But from my many years of life, (21 to be exact) I have learned that people don't always mean what they say.

I don't know. I am just saying that a guy doesn't know how a girl thinks. He doesn't know what to be honest about or what to lie about. If you want complete honesty, EXPECT complete honesty! Whether it is good or not. You have to choose complete honesty or expect lies.

#4 Let Them Do Things For You

 Part of my problem is I don't like people doing things for me. I like to do it all by myself. But I have realized over the past 3 months that I don't have to do EVERYTHING.I have realized that men actually need to feel needed too! Ladies, let him do things for you! Let him open your door! Let him carry your stuff or even go get your stuff. Let him buy you something if he so wishes to do so. Seriously... what will it hurt if we let guys be chivalrous? Chivalry is not dead in the hearts of man. It is being stomped out by women who won't accept it! No. If a man does these things for you, it does not mean he is absolutely perfect. Nobody is perfect. But at least you might be able to find him to be a gentleman.

Don't kill CHIVALRY! It is already hanging by a thin thread... In fact, EXPECT it from a guy. If he is not doing it you should tell him you believe a guy should do those things! Sometimes, guys just aren't used to girls allowing them to do things for them.

Okay ladies... I am done... but I have one more for both of you!

PEOPLE!!!! Be Yourself!!!!!

You don't want to wake up one day and realize the person you love is in love with a person you created FOR them and that you are not really IN a relationship. You are in a fake one. If you are yourself, you will find someone who will fall in love with YOU instead of another person you created.

YOU are good enough! YOU will find someone who loves YOU for YOU!! Trust me! It will feel so much better if you just find someone who will love you and not another persona of you! How else would you find love? Be 100% you!! Nothing less!!!

Just remember, love is not a perfect science. None of this advice fits EVERYBODY on the planet, but I think it encompasses more of us than we realize.

If you liked any of this, hit the like button below. Share with those you feel might need it or even share it on your social media pages. There is a comment box below if you have any advice you want to add or if you have any questions! Leave me a comment =D It'll be fun! =D

Just remember, you ARE enough :D


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Winning in the Margins

When I read "The 5 Lessons," something stuck with me and won't leave me alone. It is the concept of winning in the margins. This is the idea that every cent counts. As a kid, we all have those little jobs that we get just because we are kids... but have we thought of doing them for extra money now that we are older? Most of us probably don't... I know I didn't.

Not until I read that book, that is. I have been thinking non stop about ways to earn extra money! I have thought of things that you would expect a little kid to do, but that I wanted to do...

I have thought of:

  • Tutoring
  • Baking Breads
  • Putting up and taking down Christmas decorations
  • Going around, selling cotton candy
  • Doing yard work
  • House Sitting
  • Garage Sales
  • Ebay Arbitrage (buying and reselling)
  • Selling Christmas Goodies
  • Making crafts
  • Pet sitting
  • Babysitting
  • Filing
  • Online Surveys
  • Freelance writing

Those are just a few of the ideas I had! There are so many ways to earn money out there that people don't usually take advantage of. People are willing to buy pretty much any service because people, as a whole, are lazy. Not that eveybody is, but have you ever noticed that most people would be willing to spend a lot of money instead of taking the time to learn a new skill?

If you have a skill that nobody else really does, use it to your advantage! For almost 23 years, my dad has carried a handyman's business license for just in case he needs the extra money or if he just wants to help repair something in someone's house.

It is a great way to have something to give you a little extra edge in the real world, where everything costs money and nothing is free (except the love of your children and spouse... and mommy)

In light of the economy, shouldn't we all be trying to start "Winning in the Margins?" I know I am going to try right away!

Another reason I want to do this is because I want to eventually go back to being an at home mom with my beautiful E-Mae and my future children.

If you have any other ideas of how to "Win in the Margins" please let me know! Either comment down below, or send me an email! If you like my posts, subscribe! =D or even share my posts on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest!

Now, go ahead and go start "Winning in the Margins"

Friday, October 17, 2014

24 things for 24+ hours

What do you do when your significant other is out of town at meetings or camping in the mountains? Seriously... I hate when there is no chance of getting ahold of him because he is out of service or busy... It's like I don't know what to do with myself anymore...

Well, here is a list of things you can do within the 24+ hours your person is away.
1. Go shopping
2. Have a Girls Night Out
3. Stay in and watch a movie
4. Eat a lot of junk food
5. Read a book
6. Write a book
7. Write a blog
8. Read a blog/magazine
9. Do homework
10. Skip a shower & don't shave
11. Play video games
12. Rearrange the house
13. Clean out the cupboards 
15. Finish your chores (early even)
16. Facebook stalk your ex
17. Facebook stalk their ex
18. Work extra hours
19. Sleep in
20. Have a spa night 
21. Dance in your pajamas 
22. Take up the whole bed
23. Go donate blood/plasma (time & distance permitting)
24. Sleep for 24 hours until your beloved is home.

I'm gonna be missing someone this weekend so I think I am going to try and do some of these!! :) it's going to be a LONG weekend...
If you have any more suggestions or ideas, please leave them in the comments below!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Voice, Come Back!!

I lost my voice today! And for those of you who know me, know that this is the most tragic thing to happen in the year! I hate when I lose my voice... my voice is everything to me! Especially now that my job is taking calls and talking... MY JOB IS TALKING!! How is this even going to work?

I wonder what all I can't do without my voice...

  • I can't hum
  • I can't talk
  • I can't sing-- this alone is going to make me cry... carry on...
  • I can't laugh
  • I can't whisper
Wanna see a video?

What on earth can I still do??? I'll make another list! Great idea, Megan... Thanks...

  • I can whistle
  • I can breathe
  • I can walk
  • I can live... although what kind of a life is it if I can't sing?
  • I can write
  • I can type
SO I guess my life is not a total waste right now... It is going to be interesting... because seriously... I can't even whisper... This is going to be a bad day to get a test call... *knock on wood*

Well, here is goes... in the mean time... Yeah...

* update: work was okay. I DID get a test call... I actually got 2... Yup! Just my luck!! But I survived!! Now, I am still voiceless but I am now with my best friend and getting ready for a girls day...

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

20 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me

Here are a couple interesting facts about me that nobody probably knew, including my parents. Some of them they might have known... I don't know! Well, here it goes:

#1- I have been writing short fictional novels since I was able to write.

#2- I memorized Juliets speak on the patio in the 5th grade

#3- I drink, on average, 96 oz of water a day, except on Sunday when I unintentionally don't drink any...

#4- I have had at least 4 failed diet attempts due to my love of food.

#5- I can't cook a thing... I don't spend much time in the kitchen so I never got the talent the rest of the family has.

#6- I haven't had tonsils since I was six

#7- I'm not very good at thinking about myself... I tend not to.

#8- I don't like raw onions or vinegar... The only 2 foods I won't eat

#9- I HATE city driving. I can't stand it. I am already defensive as it is, but up there, I am scared!!

#10- I actually LOVED being a stay at home mom, but I love not being 100% dependent and being able to provide for E-Mae a little bit more...

#11- I dream about being a SAHM but one with her own income so if anything were to happen to the main bread winner of the family, we wouldn't be completely under.

#12- I love drawing! I absolutely do! (I may post some of my work on here some day...)

#13- I am obsessed with holidays... ESPECIALLY Christmas and Valentine's Day =D

#14- I am a hopeless romantic and I just love those movies that make you cry and wish your bf/spouse was like that... Just saying... haha!

#15- I am a closet nerd... I love Star Trek AND Star Wars... yeah... I can tell you random facts about either one... yeah... okay... so anywho... ON TO THE NEXT!

#16- I am in love with poetry... I have all of these dreams that include a guy reading poetry to me... Some day that will happen... I hope.... NO! I am sure of it!!

#17- Whenever I really like a guy, all of my dreams revolve around him... Seriously... ALL of my dreams... Except the ones I don't remember, but those may have been about the guy too... I mean, I don't remember it. So who knows?

#18- When I am upset, I sit on my bed or on the couch and watch the sappiest love story I can find and just cry my eyes out. If that doesn't make me cry enough, I find the saddest movie I can and watch it so I can get all of the tears out and be happy.

#19- I also eat a lot of fatty foods when I am depressed... not junk food like chips... but food you can actually feel filling up the holes in your heart... yeah... I know.. weird description.. but the cool thing is that you all love me anyway!

and finally

#20- I am completely obsessed with my long hair and I wish I had never cut it. It was down to the bottom of my hips before I donated it for the 3rd time to locks of love.

My Best Friend

#21- I love my best friend!! :D

Anywho... if you guys have any questions about me, don't be afraid to leave them in the comments below or shoot me an email. I would be happy to answer anything! :D


Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Hello beautiful people of the Blogisphere! I am not sure why, but I am in a very romantic mood this morning... So, here is my question to you:

How did you meet your significant other? When did you know they were "the one?" How did you know you wanted to spend your life with them?

What is your best advice for making a relationship work long term? Some of us need a little advice from the experts, so I am turning to you!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Lessons I learned from "The 5 Lessons"

This last week, I had the opportunity to read the book "The 5 Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me." I am grateful for the ability I have to read and apply what I learn in books to my every day life. I love reading!

So, anyways, the first thing I did when I started reading this book, I decided to get all of my finances in order so I could live the "Millionaire Mindset" as it is called. I "decided" to be wealthy. This is first step in his 5 steps.

 The reason I started reading this book was because I absolutely blew through my money last month. I had to make a change. Deciding to be wealthy made me think of what I needed and wanted in life. I started going through my finances and looking at my debts and my income. First, I detailed the dates and amounts everything was due and what I was earning each month. Then, I balanced which bills I would pay with each of my checks and what I really needed to do with my money. I set aside money specifically for tithing, gas to and from work and school, E-Mae supplies (i.e. diapers, wipes, clothes), and savings.

That lead me into the second lesson... taking control of your money. This step is all about knowing what you are earning, know how you are earning, and knowing where all of your money is going. That is why last week, I started a ledger on my spending and my earning and what I have in each of my accounts. I also made a list of the totals I have to pay and what I would have to do to get all of my bills paid off in full.

Pretty much, I am paying all of my minimums ahead of schedule and doing the snowball effect like Dave Ramsey says to do. He says to pay all minimums and then pay off the lowest one first. After paying that one, add that to the second lowest. I figure that is what I have to do to get out of debt.

Next, I have to learn how to keep a little bit of my money for myself or for future things I will need. I have to start saving some money for myself instead of bills or other people. This one, I don't have much to say about... sorry...

But, anywho... the next one is one I need to start doing. I need to start winning in the margins. This means I need to start earning as much money as I can and saving all of the extra instead of thinking "Oh! I can spend all of the extra money because I am already paying my bills." Yeah... no. This is actually a really bad mindset to start using because then you will always be living paycheck to paycheck to carry on your lifestyle you have grown accustomed to.

Instead of going out to pizza and spending my money on things I don't really need or care about, why not put all of it into savings so I can start saving for a vacation with my family or even be able to some day buy a house with a large down payment and a low interest and payment for the next 15 years. That is a lot better than being stuck with a huge house payment for 30 years that I am stuck under and can't be a stay-at-home mom like I dream of being. I would have to work all of the time just to be able to help pay the house payment or just rent for the rest of my natural life. I want to some day be able to retire also.

Part of winning in the margins is that I need to start earning more money than I currently do just by doing little things all of the time. I am trying to think of ways of earning money. I think I am going to go through all of my stuff and truly see what I need and don't need and just sell a bunch of it and put it all in my savings. That seems pretty simple to me :D That way, I have like at least 6 months worth of bills in savings and I also have the money to take E-Mae (and maybe a special someone someday) on vacation and be able to pay for it all.

The other part of it is saving as much as you can wherever you can. This is the "Millionaire Mindset." Can you pick a millionaire out of a crowd? Me neither... but they are all over the place. They don't have the need to do everything extravagant. They don't spend a lot of money and show off their money throughout the day. Only the "famous" people do, because they get more publicity if they do.  They also file bankrupt after a little while of having their money. They don't have the sense to save even one portion of their money for anything. They just spend all they have, thinking it will never end. Eventually it all ends!

The last part is probably the most important one. I have been doing this for a long time and I have always found blessings every time. Giving back is one of the most important ideas of money. If you do not give back, you will start worshiping your money and then it will own you again instead of the other way around. You will find that helping people and giving money to those in need will make you feel more invigorated and like your money is worth more than it was before. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I pay tithing which is 10% of whatever I earn or receive.

I think the best thing about reading this book was that I was able to read advice from somebody who knows how to get from where I am in life to where they are. Richard Paul Evans is an LDS man who came from a home where he had to earn a lot of his own money. He is now a millionaire, author and family man. I think that is an amazing combination! Of course, he has other titles, those are just the ones I know off the top of my head.

This was a fantastic book and I think everybody should read it! In fact, I believe this so much, I have already loaned it to Fonnesy and Heather is next. Maybe when I am getting things done and I am able to be a stay at home mom again, I will fill you all in on how I did this... with details next time.

How do you save money? Is there a way you earn extra money? If so, please share in the comments below!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Why I Started Taking Self-Inventory

Recently, in General Conference, the priesthood session had a talk about self-inventory. It was entitled, “Lord, is it I?” by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. He starts off with talking about the last supper where all of Jesus’ apostles ask “Lord, is it I?”

Isn’t that just profound? That the apostles would look in themselves, humbled enough to see their flaws and hoping that they would not be the one who would do this to the Lord. I am not saying anything about my beliefs on the Last Supper because everyone believes differently and I do not want to cause any contention or offence. I am just going to say that every one of them took stock of their own personal lives to see if they really could do that in their hearts.
How can we do that in our own day and age? How can we just look into our hearts and see where we are in progression? That's pretty easy! We just do! We humble ourselves enough to know we aren't perfect and that we need to take responsibility for our asctions and ourselves. We cast so much blame and judgement on others. I am definitely guilty of this one... I have been blaming others for things my whole life. I definitely need to improve on this still, although I have come a long way.

President Uchtdorf says, "I’m not sure why we are able to diagnose and recommend remedies for other people’s ills so well, while we often have difficulty seeing our own." We live in a world where people pass judgement on others quickly and then make excuses for themselves. He also states that many of us have a difficult time seeing ourselves as we really are.

A lot of people nowadays are also way too harsh on themselves. They think that others are perfect and they are the only flawed one in the entire human race. I know this is a little extreme, but I have known people like that. There are others who think there is nothing wrong with them and it MUST be the other people in the world. And then there are people in the middle. Depending on the situation and the other person they could be always right or always wrong.

Have you met those people? The ones who always play victim? Or the ones who always try to make you feel like a victim? Or maybe even you could see both of those traits in them? Yeah... me too.

It's okay though, right? Because you do the same thing sometimes... NOT! According the President Uchtdorf, we need to start taking resposibility of our actions. We need to start taking self-inventory. You know how missionaries do companion inventory? Well, I think of it kind of like that, but you are your own companion. This way, you have the responsibility over yourself. You have to examine every aspect of your life.

Are you doing what you should be? If not, are you blaming circumstance or other people for that? There are plenty of people who come from bad circumstances who grow up and change the world around them! This is profound nowadays! People don't just do that anymore... unless they have already taken inventory and made a choice to do so in a way that is so deep they couldn't turn back. You have to have the desire to change or you never will.

The mind is a funny thing! It can help you do anything... but can anyone really do anything without the help of God? He gave us all we have now. If we work hard and do all that we need to, we will be able to do all that we want to accomplish. But first, we must take self-inventory. Here is a 7 day self evaluation chart. Evaluate yourself once a day and see how your life changes :D

7-Day Self-Inventory Chart

I am actually going to start this over again in my life. I'm thinking it is going to be one of those once a month kind of things to keep myself in check for a long time. I don't want to lose sight of things that are truly important. I think if we all do this, we could become more humble so that we may be able to feel the presence of our Heavenly Father in our lives. This is going to help us when we come to a point in our lives where we need guidance and we can honestly say we have been doing all we can to be righteous and do all of the things he would have us do.

Yeah... I know... we are humans. To err is human... but like I said in another post, we need to step away from human nature and make the world a better place. Where could be a better place to start than with a self-inventory? My favorite song from Michael Jackson says, "If you're gonna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change." (Man in the Mirror)

I love that sentence! Don't you? People have to realize that they can't change other people and other people can't change you. The only person who can change you is YOU. There is no, "Oh. I can change him." No... if he loves you, maybe he will change a little, but just because you push does not mean anybody is going to change. It is just not going to happen. And instead of looking at their faults, look at yours, AND IMPROVE!! Start doing something today to change!

I had an epiphany yesterday... I decided that if I was always sad, I was just being selfish. If I wallow in self pity, I am being selfish! How is it fair that others have to see me being sad or hear me being sad or that I am so self centered, that I can't see the pain or the anguish of others? I don't find that fair for others. This epiphany helped me want to start my own self-inventory and I found a lot of things I didn't like that I need to change.

All of us have flaws. All of us have weaknesses. If we would just take responsibility of them and correct them and try to be better through Christ, we can! That is just it! We have to let go of human nature, push off our pride, and do all we can to better ourselves so we can better the world. Remember... You are the only one who is responsible for and can change you. Take the initiative and take a self-inventory.

Well, love you all!

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Power of Kindness

How many times have you heard the phrase "kill them with kindness" from someone after expressing your anger, resentment, or disappointment for another person? I know I have many times. Sometimes I think it is my mom's favorite quote... Oh wait! It is! That and another one I am going to write a post about here shortly... so I won't spoil the surprise! (Guess you'll have to come back now, won't you?)

Every time I heard this, I thought, "Yeah, yeah, yeah" like most teenagers would, right? Going through high school, I noticed many kids being thrown out in the cold- so to speak- and treated like outsiders. I saw others lifted up in glory for no real reason at all. I'm not sure what it is about high school that makes people so cold and oblivious to the pain of others. Maybe it is just that you think life revolves around you? Or maybe you feel like it revolves around a certain group, idea, activity, or whatever... but it makes you blind to the other people right in front of you!

College is a little different but not so much. I'm sorry for you teens in high school, wanting to graduate to get away from it all, but the people are the same. Yes, some go away to college, but then others like them come to the same college as you. There are always going to be cliques. Even in the "grown-up" world and work. It is always going to be that way because people naturally shut people out. It is human nature. I don't like human nature. It is also human nature to be hard on yourself. It is also human nature to respond in anger when something happens you don't like. It is also human nature to judge others. LET'S THROW AWAY HUMAN NATURE!!

Have you ever been torn down by someone? Have you ever felt out of place? Like you didn't belong? Has anyone ever spread a rumor about you that made you feel alone? Have you EVER felt unloved? Why in the world would you do that to someone else then? Why in the world would you make somebody feel that way? Unfortunately, this is a vicious cycle the whole world follows... I don't know why! If you are in pain, does it really help you feel better about yourself to tear down others and cause them the same pain you are feeling?

Did you know Utah is ranked #10 in the nation for amounts and rate of suicide? It states on that the rate of suicide right now is 15.6 out of every 100,000 people. That is just crazy! In a city like Salt Lake- population of 191,180- That would be more than 30 deaths due to suicide... IN ONE CITY!! Come on people!! Don't you hear the cries? This has to end.

Instead of "Killing people with kindness", why don't we SAVE people with kindness? Just one extra smile at a stranger, co-worker, a classmate, a sibling. Just one extra compliment or nice comment each day! One extra hello to someone you normally wouldn't talk to! Anything can help. If you have ever felt unloved, you would know that any of these would help lift your day.

On the flip side, if you have ever felt torn down just by one comment, how do you think people feel when you make your comments? Do you really think it is going to help them? Is it going to make them better? Happier? Feel loved? If not, then you should probably not say it at all! With the way the world is today, wouldn't you rather be a part of the solution instead of the problem?

Recently, I had someone that I knew commit suicide. This person left a family and friends who cared so deeply. But he felt such pain. I don't know what happened that day or the days before leading up. I don't know what was going through his head or his heart. All I could think for a while was, "What could I have done to help his pain?" "Did I do all or say all I could have?" and then my thoughts went to his family... "What can I do to help them?" "What do they need to hear or need done?"

But both thoughts revolved around WORDS. Words are the most powerful thing we, as human beings, have. Words are one of the only things that can both lift you up and tear you down within seconds. Words are the only things that can make or break your day. There are your words to yourself, your words to others, other's words to you, and other's words to other's. We all use words. They may not be in the same language but we can say all of the same things. Everyone around the world is responsible for this hurt we all feel. Some cause it intentionally, and some unintentionally.

If everyone would take a step back and look at how they treat people and just change one thing, the world would already be a happier, more loving place. Now, what if we changed all of the things we do to hurt people? Don't you think we would finally find peace?  Let's all change the world! One laugh, one smile, one kind comment at a time!

Just remember next time you are feeling sad, disappointed, alone, forgotten, or just hurting inside, you are not alone and you ARE NOT unloved! There is someone who will love you eternally even if you cannot love yourself. Our Heavenly Father is the most caring, giving, LOVING person we will ever know. Is it any surprise that the God who created the moon and the stars, in our honor and for us, would love us? If so, why? Every single one of us is a child of God who he PERSONALLY created and loves. He knows you! He knows your name! If you ever forget that, there is help to find Him again!

If you or someone you know is feeling depressed or feel like this life would be better without you or just like you don't want to try anymore, DON'T give up hope! There are people who love you and people who want to help! Call the Suicide Prevention Hotline at:

Please never forget, just one kind word, one smile, one friendly hello could help someone feel loved and worth it!

And I am here if anybody has anything they would like to talk about. I won't judge you. I won't talk about what you are dealing with or what you tell me. I am just an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. If you just want to talk, email me. Leave me a message. Leave me a comment. Anything! Just so long as you know I am here for you.

If you liked this blog, please share it with your friends! Subscribe to get updates on my next blog posts. If this post moved you, let us know how in the comments below!

With all my Love,

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Journey to Megan 2.0

Hello cyber world! And welcome to the amazing journey to Megan 2.0! Here, I am going to document my journey to becoming the Megan I deserve to be through excercise and (shhhhh...) diet. No. I am not going on a "diet." By definition a diet is just the way a certain person eats. You could be eating super sized meals from McDonalds wrapped in a pizza and that would still be your particular diet. A really unhealthy one, but still a diet. Do you want to hear my last diet attempt?

I have been trying to eat healthy for a little while now and I was doing really well! I lost 10lbs and was feeling amazing about myself! But then we went to Disneyland... I kind of did a little bit of binge eating of things I hadn't had for a while and I gained all of my weight back... joyous. Then I just kind of got discouraged. I didn't want to give up certain foods and I didn't want to lose just to gain again. I felt like I was a loser.

I found out that this feeling is totally normal! This whole "dieting" thing is totally normal too. It is normal for human beings to feel over weight, tired, sluggish, and just- for lack of a better word- FAT.

I learned that the first step in changing this is not to change your appearance. It is to change your attitude about yourself. You are never going to feel good about yourself if you do not start feeling good about yourself just the way you are!

I have seen gorgeous girls talking bad about themselves and nitpicking every little flaw about themselves. I feel sorry for a girl who does not feel beautiful. The truth is, we are all beautiful! We are all of noble birth! We are all Daughters and Children of GOD! To HIM, we are all beautiful and important. I didn't believe the last part for a long time. I always thought "I won't be happy until I lose this much weight. I won't be happy because I am not this size." I was wrong! and so are you!

I found out that after I made that a fact in my mind, it was easier to better myself. Not because society wanted me to or because I didn't feel good enough. I was doing it so I could live a longer, healthier life with the ones I love and hold dear. I want to be able to keep up with E-Mae when she starts to walk and RUN!

I started this journey yesterday. I actually- wait for it- WENT TO A GYM! I know, right? I am the first person to say no when asked about going to a gym. I don't hate the working out. I actually like working out. I love the feeling at the end. The only thing I don't like is people watching me sweat. I turn all red and sweat... like A LOT! I had a lot of motivation to go yesterday. Heather, my best friend, went along with me to push me along. Later on, Fonnesy came and joined us.

I felt so good after working out! We have decided to go every Monday and Wednesday after STATS class. Now, I just need to work on my "diet". Any suggestions? I would really appreciate it!!

Lots of Love

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

My Early Riser


I just wanted to tell you thank you for starting my day off right these past few days! Mommy started working a couple weeks ago, and she has missed spending the mornings with you. For the last couple of nights, you have woken up to be able to tell me good morning and play a little and cuddle and then you fall back asleep and I start getting ready for work.

1 AM is a little early for me but I don't mind! I love being able to spend time with you and being the one who is able to come "rescue" you when you wake up in the middle of the night. I know it is different being in your own bed, but I am so proud of you and how you have been able to sleep most of the night in your bed. This is a big change for you! It is going to take some getting used to from both of us, but you are doing an excelent job at it already!

I just wanted to tell you that I love you! And I adore you!! And you will always be my special little girl!! =D

Your Biggest Fan,
Mommy =D

The 5 Lessons a Millionare Taught Me (My Thoughts)

I have this weird obsession with reading books that are supposed to help  me figure out my life and how I am supposed to live. I am not sure why that is... probably because I am always looking for ways to better myself. I am not quite sure... but I do know that all of the books I chosen to read are either suggestions from my parents, from trusted adult mentors, or straight from a list compiled by people who have "been there and done that!"

While at work, pretty much the only things I am able to do is read my books and write when I am not taking a call. (I work at a call center. yaaaay.) Lately, I have been doing nothing but looking stupid things up on the internet. This morning, as I was leaving, I looked around my room and remembered how much I wanted to bring a book with me! I treaded through my stuff (my room is a little messy at the moment...) to my bookshelf. It was either between Jane Austen, happy uplifting church books, or advice books. I grabbed 3 books and walked out the door.

While waiting for work (I always arrive AT LEAST 15 minutes early so I can get my station ready) I thought, why bring all 3 books in? I only wanted to read one at a time... I carefully looked at them and decided what book I needed most at this moment in time. The 5 Lessons a Millionare Taught Me.

Let the reading begin. My next post will be my thoughts and feelings about the book, so stay tuned! I will link the post on here.

Has anyone else read this book? Or something that they would suggest for others to read? One that was inspiring or the advice really helped? If so, please comment below. I am looking for more books for my "To Read" list.

Lots of Love!!


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I am a Mormon! (Be forewarned... Tis a rant...)

This last weekend, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had what is called General Conference. It is a meeting in which the church gathers as a whole to listen to their leaders. Each speaker is lead by inspiration to write about whatever they would like. My family loves listening to General Conference with one another. We love talking about every individual thought and hearing the "themes" unintentionally brought about.

After this year's sessions of Conference, there was a challenge posted on social media sites to use an "I'm a Mormon" statement picture as ones profile picture. I did not notice this at first, but when I did, I thought it was really cool! And then I started reading a couple negative posts about it. There were some who did not like it because it was "shoving it down other people's throats"

I wanted to rant and rave at some people when I read that! How dare you tell me that people showing what they believe in is bad! How do you have the gall to go around telling me to think about how others would see this act or that it is going to offend people. So what?  Here is what I have to say... unfiltered this time!

I am a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! That means, YES! I am a Mormon! If I want to show that I am proud to be a Mormon and believe fully in this church in which I claim membership, why can't I publically? There are so many people pushing anti-Mormom propoganda all over the place and want to shove it down my throat! I have had people on social media tell the world what they think we believe and how we live. Most people could not be further from the truth!

I have people on my news feeds trying to preach to me about different concepts and aspects that I find morally wrong and not doctrinally true, but I let them because it is their opinion and their beliefs. Why is it then that when I want to state my beliefs and talk about my religion, it is considered a non-valid opinon and way of thinking? Why is there such a double standard in the world?

I am not blaming any one idea, or political party, or religion. There are people who will not listen to the other side NO MATTER what or who they are. I am sorry, but if you do not take the time to listen to another person's point of view, then how am I supposed to respect you or listen to a single thing you say?

And another point! I am so proud of the leaders of this church for not swaying with the public like some others have. Just because we do not do what is popular and do not change our doctrine does not mean we are not "staying with the times." This church does not change to "please" the people. It sticks to its doctrines until the leaders recieve inspiration of God.

If you are offended by me proudly saying that I am a Mormon and don't expect me to be offended when you claim whatever you are, then I'm not sure I want to be associated with you. Just to set the record straight, I am not offended by anything you could say unless it was vulgar about me or a family member or friend. One of  my best friends is homosexual, another is Mormon. My cousins are Bornagain Christians, my aunt is a lesbian, my great grandparents were chain smokers and drinkers. I accept people as they are. I am sorry if some people cannot do the same... I think it is sad when they get wrapped up in their own ideas that they can't accept that people have different ideas we are all going to have a problem...

Anyways... Rant Over...

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Long Time, No Post

Hello beautiful people of the internet! I just wanted to check in on how our life is going:


My beautiful baby girl is already over a year old. She is the light of my life and I have not had to leave her home with mom this entire time. Her and I have become so close that I absolutely hate being away from her. People have come in and out of my life, but E-Mae is someone that would rather stay with Mommy than without. I absolutely love spending time with her! I cannot imagine a life without her! I have been able to spend every day with my Princess because I have not been to school or work... which leads me to my next category
E-Mae on her 1st birthday eating her cupcake :D


I am attending school at Utah State University-Eastern in my hometown of  Price, Utah. I am so lucky to be taking these classes this year. I am taking 12 credit hours this semester. That is good because if I take the same amount of classes next semester, I can graduate with my associates and move on towards any degree I want to achieve next. This is not only for me, but for my E-Mae. School is not my forte. I understand most of the materials, but if you knew me in high school, I do not like homework. I know... homework is part of life. But I really don't like it at all! This semester has been different, however. I have been doing all of my homework early on for the first time in my adult life. I am so proud of myself. I know... bragging is not a very good quality in a girl, but I really am impressed with myself! I have put my best foot forward and have been trying to do all I can to get good grades so I can transfer into a good program later on down the road.

As of right now, I am on the road to graduating and then I am moving on to earn my teaching degree. Depending on a few situations which I am dealing with at the moment, I will adjust what type of degree I will pursue. That may be coming in a post some time in the future. I am hoping a few things turn out how I need/want them to but one can never be too sure. My thoughts are either Elementary Education, Special Education, or English as a Second Language teaching. Those are just thoughts though. I am not sure what the future holds for me. That is something I am going to have to take one day at a time.
E-Mae and me after my first long day of school


That's right people! I finally have another job. After not having work for over a year and a half, I finally decided it was my duty to go find a job to be able to provide for my daughter. She is definitely my motivation for doing all that I can to be a great mother and a provider since I am now in charge of doing both. I applied for a couple jobs, but I only got one call to come in for an interview. I went into CaptionCall, took a typing test, took a dictation test, and then went into an interview with the manager. (FYI: I was so nervous that I wouldn't get the job, but I stayed calm and relaxed) I walked out of there, took a drug test (because they don't want people on drugs to be running around their business, making a muck of things) and I got the job a few days later.

Training was kind of rough. They always have to prepare you for every situation so it is harder than the work is. I had kind of a hard time graduating for some reason. It took me 2 weeks and 2 days. (I needed to graduate training by that day because I had a test in a class I had never been to because of work) but now, it is my second week of pure calls. I absolutely love it! Between calls, I have the opportunity to finish a lot of my homework, which helps with my grades and my focus.


Lately I have been growing closer to my Heavenly Father, It has been such a great experience! Since I haven't had training, I have been able to go to an institute class and have been able to learn more about my Father and all he would like me to know. The spirit I can feel when at the institute is so comforting and happy that I feel at peace. I think that is why I love being there so much. I just feel at peace. Sometimes there are a few times where I just feel out of my element, but generally, I am able to feel the spirit of joy. I do not know where I would go during the middle of the day if I did not have the institute where I could go. My classes and work are on such a weird, crazy schedule that I would just be sitting in my car all day if I could not go there. I don't really feel as good anywhere else as I do sitting in the midst of like minded young people who are so accepting.

I have been working with a friend to start studying by topic every week in our scriptures and with general conference talks. It is going to bring me to feel the spirit in a way that I don't know if I have felt in a long time. Yes, personal study is great and I love being able to study at my own rate, but it is also easier to do my reading when I have someone to be accountable to and easy to understand when I have someone else to bounce ideas off of and to illuminate my mind with their thoughts and insights.

and last but certainly not least:

My Health:

No, I have not lost any weight in the past year, but that is okay. I love my body and I am trying not to focus on the outward appearance very much. I do want to lose a little to be able to feel good about myself. I have started selling AdvoCare and started using it. In my first 10-day cleanse, I lost a good 10+ pounds and was able to keep it off. I love my Spark in the morning and being able to go through the day without having a total meltdown of exhaustion (since I wake up at 4 am every day and have hardly any breaks between work and school.) I also have a friend who wants to go workout with me whenever I can, so that will definitely help me! I can't wait to see results and being able to feel better about myself and learn to love myself more!

So, now that we have covered all of those... I think the next thing I should do is... Give you pictures of our year!! :D
E-Mae and her Bompa. She absolutely loves him!!

E-Mae sleeping in the hotel after her 1st day of Disney

E-Mae in Disneyland!

Me and my nephew Damien Duncan in Disneyland

E-Mae, Me, and my best friend, Fonnesy

E-Mae and mommy after school

E-Mae likes to be super comfy :D Puts her feet up :D

Friday, March 21, 2014

Dear E-Mae

My Dearest Little Angel,

You are such a wonderful, special, beautiful girl! I am so lucky to have you in my life and to be able to call you my daughter! There is nothing that could make me love you more, or love you less! You make me so happy and feel so blessed!

Two days ago, I was blessed to be able to feel your first tooth come in! I was so excited that I ran up the stairs, carrying you, woke up Bompa and told him the news. As soon as we came back downstairs, I called Namaw and told her in California. I just love you so much! You truly are a miracle!

I am going to keep writing you letters so that you might know of my love for you when you some day read them! Please know that whatever you do, I am so in love you with and I am the proudest mommy in the whole wide world!!!

Your biggest fan,

Monday, January 27, 2014

Hello to a New Life!

Last year came and went with many changes. I got married on 12-12-12. My baby was born 8-15-13 and my husband and I became separated on 9-11-13. E-Mae is now 5 months old and we have been doing great! At the moment, we live with my parents, Nama and Bampa. It's pretty fun here. I have a lot of help and E-Mae has more love than many babies do. She is surrounded by it! What have I been doing? Other than raising E-Mae, I have been teaching myself how to crochet, helping around the house and trying to find ways to pay the bills. I am going to start posting my successes and failures here so maybe people can learn from them. Hopefully I can help you too!!!