Saturday, October 3, 2015

I Want an Eternal Love!

I love watching the programs between General Conference! Today, they were especially important for me. Everything was about dating, love, marriage, family, and how to stay stronger together. This is the most important thing in my life! I have always wanted an eternal family and a spouse who would love me forever.

I have tried to prepare myself for a good portion of my life for it. The thing I didn't prepare for was not being prepared enough to choose a man who would actually love me for eternity. I didn't realize the impact choosing the wrong man would create in my life. I didn't realize the heartache, the sorrow and the hardships that would follow. The only thing I knew is I wanted a marriage.

But, now, I have a second chance at love. 3 years later, I have grown to know, with a deeper appreciation, how to truly love myself and how to love God! This now is what I have needed to realize what I need in my life. Now that I have a beautiful 2 year old daughter. E-Mae and I have had time to grow, find our Heavenly Father and I have been able to find what it is to take care of, provide for, and care for someone more deeply than I ever have had to in my life.

How do I convey that into love and marriage? Easily!

When You Love Someone, You Want to Take Care of Them

With the growing accessibility of everything we have ever wanted or ever could want, we have become a selfish people. Yeah... I am talking about myself as well. When I want something, I usually find a way to get it. Sometimes, when I want something, I push that want onto E-Mae and convince myself to get it because she wants it. Yeah... I know... pretty pathetic. But it is how we are raised now! Not that my parents taught me this... but the world did. The world teaches us how to take care of ourselves and how to get what we want.

But, I have experienced with E-Mae, that when you love someone, you want them to be well taken care of. You want THEM to be happy. You start caring less of yourself as you start to care and serve them more and more. I was advised by a counselor in my ward's Bishopric, to find a way each day to serve someone and you will be happier. It is hard to be happy when all you focus on is your own happiness. Then, nothing is good enough. Nobody is good enough. I know how this is. Before E-Mae, I didn't care about more than myself. I wanted someone to help ME! I forgot to be someone who could help OTHERS!

E-Mae taught me how to more fully give of myself to those around me. She taught me what it is to want to give all of my life to the fulfilling of her dreams. To want HER happiness over mine. She taught me how my Father in Heaven knows what I need, when I need it. I needed her to show me how to love another person, so deeply, I would give up my life for them.

Do you want to love someone? Serve them! Do you want someone to love you? Serve others. There is nothing more attractive than someone who is selfless and caring.

Be Who You Want to Marry

How do you expect to find a spouse you would want to spend eternity with if you are not that way yourself? People attract like people. Yeah... sometimes opposites attract. But it has been scientifically studied that couples who are like minded, and are more in tune with each other, succeed more fully than couples who are opposites.

I haven't been very good at this... I wanted someone strong in the Gospel who could help lift me up. I forgot about finding my own way so I could help lift them up as well! I have been growing stronger in this. I have started to "come to myself," as Robert D. Hales stated today. I have been able to more fully see what it is to have, share, delight in, and thoroughly study the Gospel. I am nowhere close to being perfect, but I am striving, getting closer to my better self, every day.

In finding this part of myself, I realized... that is the reason I didn't find anyone worthy of marriage before. I wasn't worthy of marriage. I wasn't worthy of a young man who could withstand the temptations of the world. A young man who could follow the Lord with all his HEART, MIGHT, MIND, and STRENGTH. A young man who could help me raise a family in faith. A family in the Lord. A family which can endure together. Why wasn't I worthy? Because I couldn't do these things on my own.

With my darling, and the things I have come to see, know, and endured, I have come to know what I need to do to strive for eternity. Become the person God wants to see His daughter become. Realize everyone is a child of the Most High God.

Stop Searching, But Don't Stop Praying

With a continual prayer to find the person who you are meant to marry, don't be so consumed with it that it takes over your life. Life is so much better when you aren't always on the hunt! Seriously... I know the hunt for your eternal companion can be exciting but it can also be heart breaking... It doesn't matter who you are. When a person is rejected by another, it is hard to stay confident in yourself. It is difficult to keep doing what you know is right. I know personally, I have had those moments where I thought, "What is the point? Why do I need to keep trying to progress if I am never going to be good enough for anyone?" Over the last 3 years, I got my answer.

When I felt at my lowest low, I never lost my faith in the Lord. I had a strong enough testimony of His love for me that I never stopped believing in Him. But I did start to lose faith in myself. As I lay in bed, many lonely nights, I started to believe that I was worthless. I considered leaving my faithless, cheating husband, but couldn't stop thinking about how worthless I had become. In my head, every night, I thought, "Nobody will ever want you. You might as well stay where you are. You have a husband and E-Mae needs a father." ALL OF THESE WERE WRONG!!!

After we left, E-Mae was only 3 weeks old at the time, and I didn't know what to do. I signed up for online dating and started talking to people. I now know that no good guys are actually on online dating sites! They are online because they can't convince someone to be with them in person... That has to say something! I am not bagging on people who do use the sites, but I couldn't find a guy who was right for me on them. 2 years later, I finally deleted my last profile. Yay for me! But as soon as I did, I found I had more time to devote to my endeavors and my daughter.

When we stop looking and start living, it frees our minds for more important things. I don't have any good news yet... I haven't even been on a date for A LONG time, but who cares? I have been able to build a business plan to present to a company I want to work with. I have made (it is a long list...) 30 face scrubbies, 10 washcloths, 2 blankets, 10 headbands and have started writing a book. I have also been able to finish all of my homework ON TIME. All in the time I would USUALLY be online. In my own opinion, work on yourself and the person right to fit you and your circumstances will come along.

I don't have much experience with dating... I mean, the last 4 dates I tried going on all stood me up... but I do know that life isn't meant to be spent sitting around, waiting for someone to come. We were placed on this Earth to find happiness and to grow for ourselves! I find I am happiest when I am "centered on the wheel." When I am doing all I can to be a better me and a better mom.

Let me know what attributes you are trying to find in an eternal companion! I have a list that MAYBE I'll share some day.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Everything is Not What it Seems

Please don't judge... this is me being 100% open and honest about myself and my life. I just need to get it out there.
As many of you know, I am a mommy. I have the most AMAZING baby girl anybody could want or ask for!

But as many of you DON'T know, I have a lot going on... internally and externally.

I am the kind of person who is afraid of being alone. A person who, emotionally, need someone to be there. I'm not talking about my parents. I am not talking about my baby. I mean, I WANT someone to want me and love me and make me feel special. And because of that, I usually rush my relationships. That is how it was with my marriage. I rushed into a relationship and a month later was engaged. two months after that, I was married. 9 months after that, I had my GORGEOUS baby squirrel!

During those 9 months, I endured Hell. I was continuously brought down and told how worthless I was. I was threatened with suicide. I had married a drunk. I was told how amazing my best friend was and forced to live almost like sister wives while my best friend was dating my husband.

I was so sick, I couldn't get out of bed. I couldn't do what he wanted and so I was either threatened with him leaving me or forced to do "something" to please him. I was afraid... who would want me if I was so disgusting? Who would ever want, as I thought, his "sloppy seconds?" Who would want a girl with a child from another guy? So I stayed. I tried to work things out. When he took my daughter and hid her from me, I knew I couldn't put my little girl at risk anymore.

We left him. Kicked him out of the house. I filed for divorce.

Almost 2 years, $11,000 in attorney fees, and $6,000 in debt later I finally have some resolution. Even though I didn't see him for almost 2 whole years, he was still able to torment me.

When you don't have a divorce, your child is fair game. I would fear that when I left for work, he would come and demand E-Mae. And him being on the birth certificate, could legally take her and I could never see her again. I couldn't date anyone because I was legally married and it was against my church standards. After a while, most of my friends cut off all contact with me because they "couldn't talk to a still married woman."

I was mostly alone. I grew a friendship with a boy. But that ended in devastation. I even had a wedding planned... but that wasn't meant to happen.

I realized, I never truly healed. I just replaced guy for guy for guy. Over the last 2 months, I replaced all the guys for the one guy who would never leave me. I turned to Christ for my comfort. To feel loved. To feel special. I turned to him to help me sleep through the night. I turned to the scriptures. I started developing my skills. I started being the ME I thought E-Mae deserved.

I have had to start seeing me.I had to start dating myself. Learning who I am. Studying myself. I have found things out that have been there, hiding for YEARS... and I am just finding it because I have had to be alone, without distractions from the truth.

I have anxiety. I can't go into somewhere without wondering if people are judging me. If when they walk by laughing, they just made a joke about me. I can't help it.

When I talk to people, I start crying. Even my mom... I just start crying. I don't like talking to people. Last semester, I went to go ask a professor a question and I started getting tense and almost broke out into tears. And there was no reason to!! This professor was super nice! But I was afraid to talk to him.

For the longest time, I wouldn't go to public bathrooms because I didn't want people seeing me going to the bathroom. I don't know why, but I thought they would judge me for going into a bathroom. I wouldn't even let people see me walk into the one in high school. I was embarrassed. I don't know why... everybody goes to the bathroom...

If I was missing something at a restaurant or if there was a problem with something, I wouldn't bring it up. I would just sit and silently deal with it. I think I annoyed a lot of people because of that... but the fear of going and talking to people or asking them for something was almost unbearable... I felt like running away and hiding so I could cry.

I stayed in my room a lot. I read a lot of books where I could imagine living another life. Where I could put myself as the main character, fall in love and not have to live in my own world.

When I would travel, it was different. I wasn't in my world where everybody knew me and judged me (or so I thought). I was a new person and could be whomever I chose to be. I could be those heroines from my books. I could be brave, and strong, and someone who wasn't me.

I had a chance to be a new person. But when I came home, the fears, doubts, and everything else came flooding back.

I would distract myself from myself. I never faced it. I tried to mask it. I learned how to hide my feelings. I learned how to fake a smile in any situation. I still do.

It is hard for me to show my emotions. I've never sought help because I was scared to... what if they judge me? What if they thought I was crazy? What if they told me how wrong I was and how everything I see or say is skewed. What if I lost everything because I started talking about how I feel? About how I see the world?

I know the truth, but it is still hard for me to actually open up. I get nervous. I developed a studder. I don't look people in the eye. I try to avoid stores. I try to avoid being alone in public. I try to avoid talking to people. I won't go to activities alone. I don't like going to classes. Even if I know the answer in a class, I try not to talk outloud because what if I'm wrong? Will everyone laugh at me? Will the teacher tell me in front of the class? Will I be labeled? And so I keep my head down and just listen.

No. These are not past tense. These are all very current and very real to me.

When it comes to my child, I will do anything. In fact, I PREFER to do things by myself when it comes to her. I want her to know how much I love her and how much I try for her. She is the ONLY reason I continue going to school. She is the ONLY reason I have a job. She is the ONLY reason I am able to go to the doctor and tell them what is wrong with me. She is the ONLY reason I sought help of any sort. She is the ONLY reason I know I can stand on my own two feet. I don't have to lean on anyone as long as I have her as a motivation.

I am NOT going to say she is my ONLY reason to live, though. There are so many reasons to live!! I am not suffering depression. I am suffering from fear. Anxiety. I over think things. I always think the worst possible situation.

If you see me on the street, you will see me smiling. You will probably see me either looking at my phone or staring at the ground. If I look at you, I will smile. Why? Because even ONE smile can change someone else's day. I don't want ANYBODY to feel the way I do. I think Robin Williams had it right when he said:

"Today I realized the people who smile and laugh the most
are the ones that are suffering the most.
Because laughter isn't only the best medicine,
 it is also the best disguise."
No. I don't need your help. I don't want  your pity. I have gone this long without it. What I do need is for people to realize how they can affect others. The most amazing person you know, may be dealing with something internally. Don't judge a book by it's cover... Some of the most beautiful covers can have nothing but filth inside... and some of those most plain covers can divulge the most remarkable stories ever told. Listen to the story. Then tell me what you think.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Bruce or Caitlyn?

Warning: This post is highly opinionated but is only my OPINION. I am not saying that my thoughts are the only thoughts and I am not saying anybody is wrong in their own personal thoughts. We all have a right to say or believe what we want. Feel free at the end to agree or disagree with me in the comments below.

Fighting has ensued!

Is this person a man or a woman? Are we to call this person Bruce or Caitlin?

This fighting has broken out country wide. People are criticizing each other. They are fighting over what they feel to be is right and shutting down the opinions of others. They are being belligerent and rude to one another for, what I feel, is no good reason.

Yes! This is a huge publicity and accomplishment to those in the LGBTQ community and their allies. Yes! This goes against the morals of many people and religions. NO!!! Nobody has a right to tell others how they are supposed to feel and what they have to believe!!! That is why we live in America! That is why we have our military personel. So each of us can have a voice and have the right to share our OPINIONS.

Honestly, that is all it is!! We each have our own, INDIVIDUAL OPINIONS! Even people of the same faiths can have a different opinion. Everybody has experienced different life experiences than another. Every single person interprets the scriptures differently. You and I may read the exact same passage and get 2 different meanings and messages. This is not to say that one of us is wrong. This means that we have 2 different mental processes developed in our genetics, experiences, and biases.

I have seen many people bash each other for their opinion. I have seen others being told how stupid and ignorant they are. You know what?? In their mind, you are the ignorant one. This is the problem I see in the world. People expect for their voice to be heard, yet when others have the audacity to try and speak their mind as well, they are jumped on and criticized!

How is this right? How is this fair? How is this JUST? The only thing I see going on is a person made a choice. Whether you are in favor of it, or not, it is a choice someone else made. SO WHAT?!? People make these choices every day! They may not pay that money, but this is not a 100% first.

And as for people being offended that others still call this person "He" or "Bruce," this person has ALWAYS been Bruce. This person has been in the public eye for decades as BRUCE. Some people may never change. But to be offended by the noun someone chooses to call someone you have never met nor will ever meet is going to cause you a lot of heart ache. I am not saying don't be offended! Not by any means... but being offended that easily may cause you to be hurt more than necessary.

Last of all... I WISH I HAD THE MONEY TO MAKE MYSELF THAT BEAUTIFUL! Are you kidding me? This person looks better as a girl than I do! I am actually jealous... Whether I approve of the life this person has chosen is personal. I am not going to share. But just because someone does share and a person disagrees does not mean they are wrong, ignorant, or any of the above words. It just means they see things through a different lense than you.

My take away message?

Just because a person disagrees with your opinion, doesn't mean they are stupid. It doesn't mean they are ignorant. It means, they too are exercising their rights which you have been able to exercise freely. I means they have an opinion. A belief system. If you don't want EVERYONE to have the same right as you, then you can move to a country where there is only one belief allowed. But I'm warning you... North Korea is a little hostile.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

When the Going Gets... Sick?

This last week, we saw a little bit of illness in our family... okay, maybe not a little bit. My dear E-Mae has had an eye infection, ear infection, and sinus infection. My poor baby was in and out of the Dr, other than a well-child check up, for the first time in her life.

Ella at the height of her infections: miserable, hurting and extra needy

What did I do to help her?

I stayed home from school and we just cuddled. For 3 days, she wouldn't let me put her down. She would make me take a nap with her and after 30 minutes of laying down, if I got up, she would cry until I came back and laid down again.

Is it bad that I actually enjoyed the attention from a baby?


Every mommy wants to feel loved! Every mommy wants to know she is enough and she is doing well. No. I am not saying purposefully get your children sick so they will cuddle with you and never let you go.

But when they do get sick, don't worry about the laundry being done immediately. Don't worry about the messes being cleaned up as quickly as possible. Don't worry about cleaning up the dinner plates until after your child goes to bed. That time together builds that bond which every little child is looking for. They want to know that they will be taken care of when they are not feeling good!

So, this is my call to mommies! Put down that scrub brush! Put down those clothes! Stop vacuuming and dusting! Go pick up you child and walk outside! Go bond! Go have fun! Have the same time you have when your little one is sick. Don't just wait for them to get sick to put them ahead of the house work.

You are a mom of a little child... the house is never going to be perfect... Your "little scientist" is too busy exploring and taking things apart. It's never going to be 100% clean... ever! Save stuff for once a week or just do it when your little one is asleep. Your child needs your attention!

Now... Don't think I am a hypocrite! I am not home with my daughter because I am the sole provider for our little family of 2 and I am going to school full time so by the time she is 5, and going to kindergarten, I will be graduated with my Master's degree. That is pretty cool to me! And those moms who are working and doing all they can for their children, that is absolutely amazing to me! I know your struggle being away from your children and the desire you have to be with them! They are so grateful for you and they will know your sacrifice for them! You are an amazing mom too!

I am just grateful I was able to be home to take care of my baby squirell while she was sick! She is an amazing little girl and I am so blessed to have the time I do with her!

Does anybody have any ideas for toddler activities?

Or maybe places to visit with toddlers?

Please comment below!

Monday, March 23, 2015

How Do I Love Me??

People probably don't know this, but I don't have the best self-esteem. Actually, that is an understatement. There have actually been times where I have truly HATED myself. I have felt so down and in such darkness that I have shut people out, I have turned from God, and have refused to try and find the hope in myself again.

Through my journey of self loathing and disgust, I allowed myself to start gaining more and more weight. This didn't make anything better! This made me feel 200x worse than before!!

How could I possibly be worth something at over 200lbs? 

And worst of all, today, when I was feeling happy and so high on life and actually enjoying me, the only pair of pants which actually fit me decided to rip. The one pair I didn't have to fight with my fat butt to try to get on! Rather than conceding and just moving up a pant size and giving in to the worthless feelings I have been feeling, I have decided to take my life back. 


Everyone else gets to! Why not me?

No. This does not mean I am going to start dressing immodestly or trashy to prove I am comfortable in my own skin! That is not how I am going to feel better. How could it when my only goal right now is to get my daughter and myself to the temple? How would that help me progress in my spirituality and provide me the necessary strength I need to overcome my depressive state?

I am not saying that I am suffering from depression, but just not allowing my own mind to conceive happiness at this time. I have heard someone close to me say, "How could someone overweight ever truly be happy?" That there has hit me really hard. How can I be happy when I wear a size 16 pant, weigh 206lbs, and have a double chin?

News flash!!! IM NOT!!!

How does that that change though? Today is the day I am starting fresh! Tomorrow I shall be starting my 3rd Advocare cleanse. This time, everything is done by the book!! No cheating for me (which is really hard because I really like my snacks) I am going to be working out every single day, whether it be racquetball, walking, or just random dancing in my room. Who cares as long as I am up and moving, right? I cannot keep living this sedentary lifestyle. It is messing with my self esteem and my motivation levels for everything in life, including school. I noticed that when I am moving, I feel better. 

Here is me today, on Day 1:

For me and my daughter, I WILL lose weight and I WILL feel good! This is a fights that Satan is going to lose and from here on out, I choose to be happy!

Does anybody have any suggestions on healthy meals?

What about ways to get me moving?

Any advice that will KEEP me motivated?