Friday, June 5, 2015

Bruce or Caitlyn?

Warning: This post is highly opinionated but is only my OPINION. I am not saying that my thoughts are the only thoughts and I am not saying anybody is wrong in their own personal thoughts. We all have a right to say or believe what we want. Feel free at the end to agree or disagree with me in the comments below.

Fighting has ensued!

Is this person a man or a woman? Are we to call this person Bruce or Caitlin?

This fighting has broken out country wide. People are criticizing each other. They are fighting over what they feel to be is right and shutting down the opinions of others. They are being belligerent and rude to one another for, what I feel, is no good reason.

Yes! This is a huge publicity and accomplishment to those in the LGBTQ community and their allies. Yes! This goes against the morals of many people and religions. NO!!! Nobody has a right to tell others how they are supposed to feel and what they have to believe!!! That is why we live in America! That is why we have our military personel. So each of us can have a voice and have the right to share our OPINIONS.

Honestly, that is all it is!! We each have our own, INDIVIDUAL OPINIONS! Even people of the same faiths can have a different opinion. Everybody has experienced different life experiences than another. Every single person interprets the scriptures differently. You and I may read the exact same passage and get 2 different meanings and messages. This is not to say that one of us is wrong. This means that we have 2 different mental processes developed in our genetics, experiences, and biases.

I have seen many people bash each other for their opinion. I have seen others being told how stupid and ignorant they are. You know what?? In their mind, you are the ignorant one. This is the problem I see in the world. People expect for their voice to be heard, yet when others have the audacity to try and speak their mind as well, they are jumped on and criticized!

How is this right? How is this fair? How is this JUST? The only thing I see going on is a person made a choice. Whether you are in favor of it, or not, it is a choice someone else made. SO WHAT?!? People make these choices every day! They may not pay that money, but this is not a 100% first.

And as for people being offended that others still call this person "He" or "Bruce," this person has ALWAYS been Bruce. This person has been in the public eye for decades as BRUCE. Some people may never change. But to be offended by the noun someone chooses to call someone you have never met nor will ever meet is going to cause you a lot of heart ache. I am not saying don't be offended! Not by any means... but being offended that easily may cause you to be hurt more than necessary.

Last of all... I WISH I HAD THE MONEY TO MAKE MYSELF THAT BEAUTIFUL! Are you kidding me? This person looks better as a girl than I do! I am actually jealous... Whether I approve of the life this person has chosen is personal. I am not going to share. But just because someone does share and a person disagrees does not mean they are wrong, ignorant, or any of the above words. It just means they see things through a different lense than you.

My take away message?

Just because a person disagrees with your opinion, doesn't mean they are stupid. It doesn't mean they are ignorant. It means, they too are exercising their rights which you have been able to exercise freely. I means they have an opinion. A belief system. If you don't want EVERYONE to have the same right as you, then you can move to a country where there is only one belief allowed. But I'm warning you... North Korea is a little hostile.

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