Thursday, September 25, 2014

Long Time, No Post

Hello beautiful people of the internet! I just wanted to check in on how our life is going:


My beautiful baby girl is already over a year old. She is the light of my life and I have not had to leave her home with mom this entire time. Her and I have become so close that I absolutely hate being away from her. People have come in and out of my life, but E-Mae is someone that would rather stay with Mommy than without. I absolutely love spending time with her! I cannot imagine a life without her! I have been able to spend every day with my Princess because I have not been to school or work... which leads me to my next category
E-Mae on her 1st birthday eating her cupcake :D


I am attending school at Utah State University-Eastern in my hometown of  Price, Utah. I am so lucky to be taking these classes this year. I am taking 12 credit hours this semester. That is good because if I take the same amount of classes next semester, I can graduate with my associates and move on towards any degree I want to achieve next. This is not only for me, but for my E-Mae. School is not my forte. I understand most of the materials, but if you knew me in high school, I do not like homework. I know... homework is part of life. But I really don't like it at all! This semester has been different, however. I have been doing all of my homework early on for the first time in my adult life. I am so proud of myself. I know... bragging is not a very good quality in a girl, but I really am impressed with myself! I have put my best foot forward and have been trying to do all I can to get good grades so I can transfer into a good program later on down the road.

As of right now, I am on the road to graduating and then I am moving on to earn my teaching degree. Depending on a few situations which I am dealing with at the moment, I will adjust what type of degree I will pursue. That may be coming in a post some time in the future. I am hoping a few things turn out how I need/want them to but one can never be too sure. My thoughts are either Elementary Education, Special Education, or English as a Second Language teaching. Those are just thoughts though. I am not sure what the future holds for me. That is something I am going to have to take one day at a time.
E-Mae and me after my first long day of school


That's right people! I finally have another job. After not having work for over a year and a half, I finally decided it was my duty to go find a job to be able to provide for my daughter. She is definitely my motivation for doing all that I can to be a great mother and a provider since I am now in charge of doing both. I applied for a couple jobs, but I only got one call to come in for an interview. I went into CaptionCall, took a typing test, took a dictation test, and then went into an interview with the manager. (FYI: I was so nervous that I wouldn't get the job, but I stayed calm and relaxed) I walked out of there, took a drug test (because they don't want people on drugs to be running around their business, making a muck of things) and I got the job a few days later.

Training was kind of rough. They always have to prepare you for every situation so it is harder than the work is. I had kind of a hard time graduating for some reason. It took me 2 weeks and 2 days. (I needed to graduate training by that day because I had a test in a class I had never been to because of work) but now, it is my second week of pure calls. I absolutely love it! Between calls, I have the opportunity to finish a lot of my homework, which helps with my grades and my focus.


Lately I have been growing closer to my Heavenly Father, It has been such a great experience! Since I haven't had training, I have been able to go to an institute class and have been able to learn more about my Father and all he would like me to know. The spirit I can feel when at the institute is so comforting and happy that I feel at peace. I think that is why I love being there so much. I just feel at peace. Sometimes there are a few times where I just feel out of my element, but generally, I am able to feel the spirit of joy. I do not know where I would go during the middle of the day if I did not have the institute where I could go. My classes and work are on such a weird, crazy schedule that I would just be sitting in my car all day if I could not go there. I don't really feel as good anywhere else as I do sitting in the midst of like minded young people who are so accepting.

I have been working with a friend to start studying by topic every week in our scriptures and with general conference talks. It is going to bring me to feel the spirit in a way that I don't know if I have felt in a long time. Yes, personal study is great and I love being able to study at my own rate, but it is also easier to do my reading when I have someone to be accountable to and easy to understand when I have someone else to bounce ideas off of and to illuminate my mind with their thoughts and insights.

and last but certainly not least:

My Health:

No, I have not lost any weight in the past year, but that is okay. I love my body and I am trying not to focus on the outward appearance very much. I do want to lose a little to be able to feel good about myself. I have started selling AdvoCare and started using it. In my first 10-day cleanse, I lost a good 10+ pounds and was able to keep it off. I love my Spark in the morning and being able to go through the day without having a total meltdown of exhaustion (since I wake up at 4 am every day and have hardly any breaks between work and school.) I also have a friend who wants to go workout with me whenever I can, so that will definitely help me! I can't wait to see results and being able to feel better about myself and learn to love myself more!

So, now that we have covered all of those... I think the next thing I should do is... Give you pictures of our year!! :D
E-Mae and her Bompa. She absolutely loves him!!

E-Mae sleeping in the hotel after her 1st day of Disney

E-Mae in Disneyland!

Me and my nephew Damien Duncan in Disneyland

E-Mae, Me, and my best friend, Fonnesy

E-Mae and mommy after school

E-Mae likes to be super comfy :D Puts her feet up :D